Summer Safety
The well-being of our children is our number one priority, and with summer fun comes the need for summer safety. Here are some things to keep in mind and be aware of when you and your children are enjoying the summer off.
Water Safety

Drowning is a leading cause of injury-related death in children. In 2006, fatal drowning claimed the lives of approximately 1100 US children younger than 20 years. A number of strategies are available to prevent these tragedies. Whether you will be spending your summer days in open water, on a boat or at the pool, it is important to know the key things to keep your children safe!
Sun Safety

Although our little ones love the sun, the sun may not always love them. Summer time activities typically reside outside, so make sure you are aware of the best ways to protect our children’s sensitive skin.
Weather Safety
Tennessee weather can be unpredictable, so make sure you know everything you need to keep your family safe during dangerous weather. Nashville’s WKRN weather team tells your everything to need to know to be prepared in their summer weather special