Important VFC Updates

Current VFC updates and information are posted below as we get them. If you have any questions please contact Janet Sutton (


January 25, 2019
Important Update on Sanofi Fluzone Quadrivalent 0.5 mL Age Indication

We recently learned about a change to the age indication for the Fluzone Quadrivalent Vaccine. Full Details are availbale here. 

Sanofi has just received the approval for use of 0.5 mL dose of Fluzone Quadrivalent in children down to 6 months of age. This covers NDC numbers 49281-0419-50 (0.5mL syringe) and 49281-0419-10 (0.5mL vial). The previous age on these presentations was for persons 36 months and older.

December 3, 2018
2019 VFC Annual Phased Re-Enrollment – SCHEDULE CHANGES

Please be advised that 2019 VFC Phased Re-Enrollment Schedule has undergone minor alterations affecting only Local Health Departments (LHD), East TN Region, Knox County Metro, and the Mid-Cumberland Region Annual re-enrollment for these regional groups will shift one month,resulting in the following change in Provider Agreement expiration dates for 2019

  • LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENTS (LHD)- PA will expire March 4
  • EAST TN Region and KNOX COUNTY Metro – PA will expire April 1
  • MID-CUMBERLAND – PA will expire May 6

All other regional groups in the Phased Schedule remain unaffected and the process unchanged!

October 27, 2018
Updated VIS for Hepatitis B

The CDC has released a new Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) for Hepatitis B on October 12, 2018 with a minor change. The updated VIS states “The vaccine is usually given as 2, 3, or 4 shots over 1 to 6 months.” The previous VIS only mentions the 3 and 4 shot series available at the time of release.
You can find this updated VIS online.
Electronic Health Records (EHR) will need to be updated with the new VIS dates. Please contact your EHR vendor for assistance. The National Vaccine Childhood Injury Act (NCVIA – 42 U.S.C. § 300aa-26) requires healthcare providers to give the appropriate VIS to a patient, parent, or legal representative prior to administration of each dose of vaccine. The new VIS’s may be used starting immediately, although existing stock of previous versions can be used until exhausted.

October 9, 2018
Important Educational Materials: Know the Site, Get it Right!

The Immunization Services Division of the CDC has created the following resources for you and your staff to prevent vaccine administration errors. These products educate and remind providers about proper influenza (flu) vaccine administration technique to help avoid shoulder injuries and other adverse events.  The materials include:

  • links to comprehensive vaccine administration information
  • a short video on the correct technique for intramuscular injection
  • an infographic on administering flu vaccine to an adult
  • a link to the CDC vaccine administration e-Learn

For future reference, links to these CDC resources and more are available on the Immunization Program’s VFC Provider Guidance & Toolkits webpage.

August 28, 2018
Updated VIS’s for Meningococcal ACWY and DTaP Vaccines

New versions of the Vaccine Information Statements (VIS) for Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine and DTaP Vaccine were posted on August 24, 2018. All current VISs are posted online here.

The new VIS’s may be used starting immediately, although existing stock of previous versions can be used until exhausted.

July 26, 2018
New Look for TennIIS Certificates

The look of Official Tennessee Certificates of Immunization printed from the state immunization registry (“TennIIS”) for school and daycare enrollment after July 26, 2018, will change. The new look includes the current Tennessee Department of Health logo and current web addresses. The previous version (Rev. 4/13) is still acceptable for students and certificates that have already been issued do not need to be re-issued on the new form. A sample of both versions is attached. For questions about the Certificate of Immunization please contact