Behavioral Health in Pediatrics

This image portrays BeHiP Overview by TNAAP.

The Tennessee Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics has partnered with BlueCare to develop the Behavioral Healthcare in Pediatrics (BeHiP) training program. BeHiP training provides pediatric healthcare providers with tools and strategies to screen for, assess, and manage patients with emotional, behavioral and substance abuse concerns. It also encompasses strategies to provide for more efficient workflow (including information on coding), more effective care, and improved family and physician relationships.


The BeHiP program is funded through a grant from BlueCross BlueShield.

This image portrays BeHiP Overview by TNAAP.

Nashville Public Television Children’s Health Crisis – TNAAP Promotes Behavioral Healthcare.

Behavioral Health Guidance Videos

The American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Mental Health and the Mental Health Initiatives of the AAP provides the foundation for the BeHiP training curriculum. You can access six of their educational videos addressing specific topics in children’s mental health here.  Each of these videos feature experts in the fields of behavioral health and pediatrics discussing the topic.

BeHiP Contact Information

Amber Stroupe, MBA
BeHiP Program Manager

Tim Fuller, DO, FAAP
Michelle Bowden, MD, FAAP
Co-Medical Directors, BeHiP Program